
Frequently Asked Questions

01. What are your qualifications?2023-11-24T12:22:30+00:00

I hold extensive certifications in Yoga Therapy and Trauma-informed Therapy. My specialization lies in Somatic Practices and Counseling. Additionally, I bring a unique perspective as a formally trained actor, drama teacher and corporate facilitator. With a teaching and counseling journey spanning 17 years, I’ve worked with diverse individuals nationwide. Currently, I run a private practice and conduct regular group workshops to support individuals from all walks of life.

02. What is Somatic Therapy?2023-11-24T12:21:48+00:00

Somatic Therapy is a holistic therapeutic approach that recognizes the delicate and intricate connection between the mind and the body. It acknowledges that emotional and psychological issues can manifest physically. Somatic practitioners work with clients to explore and address the ways in which the body holds and expresses emotions, stress and trauma.

03. How do I know if I need somatic therapy?/ What is Trauma-informed Therapy?/ Who is it best for? How do I know if it might work for me?2023-11-25T02:43:11+00:00

Here are some reasons to consider Somatic Therapy/ Trauma-informed therapy –

  1.  If you have always felt a strong connection between your levels of stress and illness in your body
  2. If you experience a lot of muscle tension, or you are emotionally exhausted a lot
  3. If you feel like you have frequent strong emotional reactions
  4. If you feel dyregulated or ‘stuck’ in certain thought patterns… or memories that keep coming up.
  5. If you are experiencing a lot of anxiety, panic, anger, sleeplessness.
  6. If you think you are being hyper vigilant.
  7. If you don’t feel safe within your body.
  8. If you’ve been feeling emotionally flooded
  9. If you have recently undergone a traumatic episode or have experienced multiple traumatic episodes in the past and feel their effects on your health and your relationships.
  10. If you struggle with maintaining healthy boundaries in your relationships and find it challenging to assert yourself
  11. If you have difficulty connecting with or expressing your emotions and it feels like they are often either buried or overwhelming.
  12.  If you experience chronic pain or physical symptoms that havent been fully explained by medical examinations and you suspect there may be an emotional or psychological component.
  13. In conjunction with talk therapy or CBT / other therapeutic modalities in order to achieve a deeper understanding of your mind, body, survival responses and how to heal more effectively.
04. Is Yoga different from Somatic Therapy?2023-11-25T02:45:09+00:00

Yoga originates from ancient Indian philosophy, encompassing physical postures, breath control, meditation and ethical principles to be followed.

Somatic therapy is rooted in modern psychology and focuses on mind-body connection, addressing the impact of trauma and stress on the body and our daily functioning. It also largely focuses on our survival responses.

The objective of both forms of therapy is overall well-being and mind-body harmony. Yoga also, however, includes a focus on spiritual growth.

Somatic therapy targets the resolution of trauma, stress and emotional challenges by addressing how they manifest in the body.

Thanks to a growing awareness on trauma and its effect on individuals, you can even avail of trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive yoga practices that prioritize a safe space, encouraging the individuals to listen to their bodies without pushing aggressively, fostering a slow and secure re connection with themselves for lasting healing. It aims to prevent harm and respects each person’s unique journey.

05. How do I know if I am traumatized?2023-11-25T02:44:22+00:00

Recognizing trauma can be complex, and best done with the help of professional guidance, but some signs you might be experiencing are intrusive thoughts, emotional numbness, hyperarousal (difficulty sleeping,feeling constantly alert, on edge etc.) , changes in mood, depression, anxiety, excessive fears, struggles in relationships and/or physical symptoms such as IBS, stomach aches, headaches etc. and other recurrent or chronic symptoms in the body.

When seeking help from professionals, always ensure they are trained in trauma therapy so that you can receive the right kind of guidance and assistance in your healing journey.

06. Who is a trauma survivor?2023-11-24T12:20:26+00:00

A trauma survivor is an individual who has experienced a distressing event or a series of events that have caused physical, emotional or psychological harm, sometimes or often leading to lasting effects on their well-being.

07. I am already working with a therapist / undergoing talk therapy, CBT/ I have done CBT and talk therapy before. Can I still benefit from this sort of therapy?2023-11-24T12:20:30+00:00

Yes, absolutely. Consider integrating somatic therapy into your healing journey, whether you are currently engaged in other therapeutic modalities, or not. Somatic therapy offers a wholesome top -down approach that includes essential techniques like EMDR, IFS and more.

It can be particularly beneficial if you find yourself feeling stuck after traditional talk therapy and still seeking a more comprehensive healing.

08. How is this work different from conventional talk therapy?2024-02-07T09:37:11+00:00

In a top-down approach like talk therapy and CBT, the focus is primarily on shifting thoughts and emotional awareness through verbal communication. While this is effective for many, many others may find persistent trauma and a sense of being or feeling stuck.

The bottom-up approach, my preferred method, delves into the physical defenses of the body sensations, and the nervous system. By addressing the whole individual, integrating both – mind and body, we explore what is called ‘the felt sense’, promoting overall healing.

This method engages all parts of the brain, encouraging and fostering healthy regulation and a sense of wholeness.

09. Why should I pay attention to my mental health?2023-11-25T02:47:54+00:00

We all come from somewhere with our own fears, different coping strategies, personal experiences, formed perspectives, goals, needs and desires. Each one of us has a unique story and each one of us needs to be met at our own pace. Unfortunately, in today’s world, that’s rare.

Temporary coping strategies and conversations with friends can only take you so far. You’re still going to need to address your mind and your health long-term. This is where a trained guide or counselor comes in. To witness you, as you are, and to help you activate the tools you need within you to achieve your goals, to regulate yourself so that whatever issues or problems or thoughts or fears hold you back can be dealt with.

10. Will I be stress-free thanks to therapy?2023-11-24T12:20:49+00:00

The aim is never to get rid of your stress completely, but to build a resilience for it.
We cannot erase things that may have happened, but we can learn how to piece together parts that may have been broken or fragmented because of things that have happened. Similarly, we cannot avoid problems in the future. We learn to regulate, to come together again, to heal, build a resilience for whatever comes, become whole, live life, enjoy it and learn to thrive again. We are here, for a time. It becomes necessary to heal or rebuild our relationships with ourselves, and those with others.

11. Will I completely heal after these sessions?2023-11-25T02:49:10+00:00

Healing is an ongoing journey. The aim is to expand our window of tolerance, release the weight of past burdens and find our way back to love by reconnecting with the lost parts of ourselves.

12. How many sessions will I need to take?2023-11-25T02:49:22+00:00

The healing process is unique for each individual and is a constant journey. While I offer packages, the benefits of Somatic Experiencing, Yoga Therapy and Trauma -informed Therapy are most beneficial and profound with ongoing and indefinite sessions. It really is up to you!

13. Is it normal to feel worse after/during therapy?2023-11-25T02:50:16+00:00

There are many reasons one can feel like this during/ after a therapy session or in between sessions.
Some of the common reasons are –

  • Uncovering deep-seated emotions and unresolved issues that have stayed repressed for a time.
  • Feelings can intensify while they finally have room to surface and slowly improve.
    An opening of old wounds or painful experiences temporarily stir up emotions as you confront and finally process those memories.
  • An increased awareness of your own feelings, behaviours, thoughts and beliefs can feel
    challenging to navigate initially. Any change and growth is uncomfortable beauce it requires a stepping out of our comfort zone.
  • When we’re heavily stressed an din survival for a long time, the high levels of cortisol wreak havoc on your body and immune system. Your body gets exhausted.
  • Learning how to calm and regulate your nervous system is a ocnscious effort and while we heal, struggling with fatigue, intense emotions and low energy is not uncommon.
  • Healing is a process and takes time. But it is totally, 100 percent worth it!

If you’re feeling any unusual symptoms or feelings, be sure to talk to your practitioner about it for support and clarity.

14. Do you offer courses for artists/ creatives?2023-11-25T02:51:02+00:00

Absolutely! As an artist and actor myself, I understand the challenges and joys of the creative process and this work provides massive benefits for this type of work – unlocking new pathways and depths of expression, building a tender, yet strong connection with the self and much needed resilience in your artistic journey.

15. Are your sessions in-person or online?2023-11-25T02:51:08+00:00

I offer both in-person and online sessions to cater to your preferences and convenience.

16. How do I find the right guidance/therapist for me?2023-11-25T02:53:41+00:00

This is so important. The relationship between you and your therapist will impact the healing process and outcome. There is no right or wrong answer since everyone’s needs and situations are so different.

However, Id follow a few guidelines –

  • Consider the therapy modality, accessibility, and financial aspects that align with your needs.
  • Ask people you trust for referrals and/or explore testimonials on their pages/websites for a better idea. If you aren’t sure where to start, book a consultation.
  • I recommend working with trauma-informed professionals to avoid and minimize the risk of retraumatization during therapy or therapeutic interventions.
  • Find someone who supports your growth and helps you rise with them, while embracing their own humanity.
17. Do you offer special courses for women?2023-11-27T08:44:02+00:00

Women have the natural ability to sense emotions strongly, stay deeply connected to the signs and signals in their body, create life and intuit their way through life. These are natural gifts. When women get stressed out, or manipulated by society into fitting molds, repressing their emotions, desires and potential, they suffer deeply. Women are the cornerstones of strong communities, bright futures and they make compassionate, revolutionary leaders.
It is important for them to have a strong support system in place and feel heard, understood and empowered.

My sessions for women are tailored exclusively to help them reconnect to themselves and help them navigate relational trauma, abuse, fatigue, burnout and more.

18. Why do you do what you do? (This one was asked by my 11 year old son)2023-11-25T02:54:12+00:00

I have always been naturally drawn to learning and teaching science, spirituality and the arts.
After 14 years of doing just that, I pursued formal training in trauma work because I felt a deeper calling to help others. This work is fascinating and has the potential to truly help and heal us.

This work, which saved me (and continues to) is my way of sharing joy and healing with the world.

20. Do you offer discounts or/and flexible payment plans?2023-11-25T02:54:41+00:00

Yes. I believe in prioritizing human well being over financial barriers. Having faced challenges without access to resources, I believe everyone should have access to professional guidance and a helping hand.

While my goal is to make healing accessible, I also need to consider the value of expertise offered. Hence, I offer flexible payment plans and applicable discounts.

Your well-being matters to me.

20. Is it possible to balance therapy with my existing priorities and work commitments?2023-11-25T02:55:06+00:00

Yes. We can work on a mutually convenient schedule that aligns with your lifestyle and commitments ensuring that the sessions enhance your well-being.

Please prioritize your mental health. You can work your whole life towards wealth, fame, status, that dream house, dream car and other external goals. But if you lose your mental health, you have nothing. The best investment you can make for yourself is in your mental health because there is a direct link between the quality of the healthy mind, a healthy body and the overall quality of your life.


Take charge of your well-being and of your health. Book a session here now.
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